For my son and grandsons

This blog is for future generations to look at and try to understand a way of life that has disappeared in one generation. A life of simplicty and a life of adventure that only
can come from living with nature.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Coon hunting memories

Coon hunting was a big thing with my dad and Uncle Grover Hatton. They kept several dogs and hunted almost every evening as they worked 2nd shift they would leave right after work, hunt all night sleep go again the next night.The one thing that was good for a boy was they would breed the females and have pups this is heaven for a little boy. My dad was a very good houndsman all thru his life. one thing that I remember was going hunting one night and I seen something that still sticks in my mind. There was a line of tree's about 5 of them and the lightening bugs had filled them it looked like Christmas tree's with all the twinkle lights.And then there is the night I watched my dog tree his first coon Smokey Joe it look like he was going to climb the tree and he was barking every breath. I remember helping skin the coons and stretch them on the boards to be sold.But one coon hunting memory I have took place on a rainy night in a 73 Pontiac Catalina my dads. Uncle Ken , Uncle Grover, dad and a coon hunting friend of my dad Virgil and me.sitting in the car and listening to an 8 track tape of Jerry Clower telling the coon hunt story. Even though I was a boy I was treated like a man that night, I think of it often still today. I would like to go one more time and remember.

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