Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed
A Militia is a group of private citizens , not an official army.
The security of a free state, to remain free from outside oppressor's or from our own over zealous government.
I believe that are founding fathers' were some of the smartest men in history of the world.And I do believe history has proven this to be true, all we have to do is follow the system that was put in place.Government FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE.
Simple words with great meaning.Words so powerful that men gave their lives for, so that their children and grandchildren could live in freedom.And yet over the 2 decades I have lived I have seen our jobs leave this country and are personal rights trampled on by our own Government despite the out cry from the people to stop the insanity.We as a country can no longer pay our bills and yet they keep spending The same week that social security starts cashing in treasury notes for the money that congress as borrowed thru the years they cannot pay it without having to go borrow more money to pay those notes.And now we also find out that not only did we get robbed by the banks in" to big to fail" program" with all those executives getting huge bonus's but the government regulators watching them got bonus's as well when they should have been fired!And Yesterday they pass a bill that all polls show we the people do not want and can not afford.When the middle class is shrinking as fast as expanded just 50 year's ago.Our children will be taxed at twice the rate we are and will not be as prosperous and be more dependant on handouts.The people currently running our Government must be removed starting this November in the Ballot box {even this we can longer trust with all the interference}.We have to remind them who is in charge, THE PEOPLE.Let's start with a vote first and hope a Militia is not needed.
Welcome new life and goodbye to a old friend
10 years ago