For my son and grandsons

This blog is for future generations to look at and try to understand a way of life that has disappeared in one generation. A life of simplicty and a life of adventure that only
can come from living with nature.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Little bit's of Heaven

I was sitting by the fire this morning drinking coffee and thinking about all the little things that I enjoy. And feeling sorry for city people that never get out to experience God's simple pleasures.
Like a night in the country with the sound of whippoorwills and a sky full of stars, sitting on the porch at dusk in the early spring and a symphony of tree frogs and crickets singing for joy after a long winter ,seeing and hearing an old gobbler in the spring looking for love , the howl of a pack of coyote's, the feel of fresh plowed ground between your toes I still do this sometimes with my son. the sound of sassafras wood on the fire I love that pop and cracking sound, gathering eggs and talking to the hens, the smell of wood smoke , fresh cut hay and tobacco drying in the barn, the woods in October, looking for morel mushrooms, picking wild blackberries. A baloney sandwich and a bottle pop for dinner after hoeing out the tator patch. catching your own night crawlers, Sitting in the tree stand and watching the sun come up and the woods come to life , the sound of beagles running a rabbit , the smell the outside on bed sheets hung on the line to dry, sitting with my wife breaking green beans, digging tators and the surprise at the big one you find.Sitting on a river bank at night fishing and telling stories . Or just complete silence of a winter snow. I am truly blessed I have a little heaven everyday

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